Why Hire a Professional Forester or Arborist?
A Forester can help with concepts like:
- Improve wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities
- Protect soils and water quality
- Improve protection from wild fire
- Inventory your forest to learn its quality and value
- Identify opportunities, problems, and needs
- Reestablish trees on bare land
- Improve forest stands or desired tree species
- Enhance ecological diversity
- Prevent or control harmful insects and diseases
- Administer a timber harvest
- Administer harvest activities
- Identify financial incentives programs and other help
- Obtain inventories and values for estate settlement
- Buy or sell a forest property

In my case, one example of my service is drafting forest management plans and wildfire mitigation plans for landowners. I incorporate all the above concepts.
Why hire a consulting Arborist?
This person is a professional in the areas of urban forestry, arboriculture, and various landscape topics. We diagnose landscape problems and recommend remedies and ways to preserve and manage the landscape. We provide services that can be used for expert witness appearances in a court of law. We provide technical advice to businesses, homeowners, government agencies, and whomever else desires this service. In my case, I can provide a very esoteric service like landscape damage appraisals that many insurance companies use for compensation for losses incurred. We perform urban forestry services, i.e. street tree inventories and hazard tree assessments. We are consulted with on matters of proper landscape designs and maintenance requirements. We prepare technical reports that integrate many different facets of projects, which can include interacting with a variety of professionals. In summary, a consulting arborist is someone with a broad background in urban and landscape tree/shrub maintenance issues.
Download this brochure to learn more about my services, and contact me today.